10 Key Terms You Should Know About Email Marketing[Infographics]

Email Marketing can be a very effective and valuable strategy, when used properly. If you don’t understand proper terminology about email marketing, you can have trouble figuring out how to get the most out of emails. While email marketing has hundreds of terms, you only need to be familiar with a few of them to get the most out of it.

To give you a quick boost of email marketing fluency, in this infographic, we are providing the top 10 email marketing terms that everyone should know to get most out of it. Let’s get into it!

10 Key Terms You Should Know Email Marketing | Data Marketers Group

1. Marketing Automation

In the field of marketing, marketing automation can appear in many different of forms. Marketing automation in email describes the process of email marketing software sending email campaigns to your clients and prospects based on the set of pre-defined criteria.

2. Email Service Provider

Email service provider (ESP) is a term that refers to a product or software that offers email services. It helps email marketers in carrying out email marketing campaigns to their subscribers. In the context of email marketing, this phrase can apply to services that assist you in building subscriber lists, sending campaigns, and more.

3. A/B Testing

In the context of email, A/B testing is a procedure of sending one version of your campaign to a set of your subscribers and another version to a different group of subscribers with the purpose of determining which variation of the campaign generates the best results.

4. Bounce Rate

A bounced email occurs when you send an email to a subscriber and it is returned as “undeliverable.” The rate at which your emails are not delivered is referred to as a bounce rate. Email bounces are divided into two types: hard bounce and soft bounce.

5. Click-Through Rate

The click-through rate is a number that measures how many people open and read your email. This includes clicking on elements such as images, calls-to-action, hyperlinks, and embedded content within the email. It’s calculated by dividing the total number of unique clicks by the total number of emails opened.

6. Email Personalization

Email personalisation is a feature that allows you to include subscriber information in your emails. Personalization, for example, allows you to add your subscribers’ names in each email, making it feel less spam.

7. Conversion Rate

The number of subscribers that complete a particular action after reading your email is known as your email marketing conversion rate. This is a crucial indicator for most marketers because it determines the effectiveness of your email marketing and your ROI.

8. Spam

Spam is one of the most disturbing words in any email marketer’s vocabulary. Every email service provider has its own spam filter, and many elements go into identifying what is and isn’t spam. Your delivery rate may suffer if too many individuals mark your emails as spam, therefore you must present yourself as professional.

9. Segmentation

Segmentation is a feature that email marketing services offer that enables you to choose which subscribers to send emails to. For example, you can segment your list depending on country of origin, age, or other factors.

10. Call-to-Action

A Call-to-Action (CTA) is a message that tries to get your email recipients to convert. It can be something as simple as a Buy Now message or a button that says Purchase. If you want to get conversions, you need to include a CTA to nudge users towards them.

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