Best Examples of Thanksgiving Day Emails That Help You To Craft Unique Email Marketing Campaigns

Happy Thanks Giving | Data Marketers Group

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Thanksgiving Day is one of the most celebrated holidays in America. According to research done by Adobe Analytics in 2019, total sales during thanksgiving period is around $4.2 billion which is leveled up to more than 14.5% sales compared to the previous year. Although, 2020 is a challenging year for most of the businesses due to Covid-19 outbreak, but still you can make the most from this holiday season by thanking your customers in wide-variety of ways. For that, all you need to do is – Focus on creating best emails that would give you the unique results in terms of conversions.

Here are few examples of Thanksgiving email campaigns that you can try out in crafting your email marketing campaigns:

Thank Your Customers With Gratitude

Thanksgiving Day is the right time to say thanks to your precious customers who supported you during this global health crisis. Thank you emails are always a pleasant surprise for your readers as it shows your gratitude towards them. Hence, keep your Thanksgiving message short and simple so that it directs straight to the point. While crafting Thanksgiving email campaigns, always remember to include some seasonal colors and festive images to make your email design perfect for the holiday.

If you look at the following design by Anthropologie, it was totally focused on keeping their thank you messages short and simple with all the required seasonal design elements.

Anthropologei Thanks Giving | Data Marketers Group
  • Image Source: Mail Designer 365

    • The Thanksgiving Day Email Campaign by Anthropologie has a super sweet, personal touch thanks in the form of handwriting fonts.
    • Also, the minimal, wintery pine-cone design is also great at representing this holiday email campaign appropriate.

    Here’s another example of a thank you email which pulls out all the festive stops in one by ZAGG. . If you look at the below image, their Thanksgiving Day email campaign completely relies on simplicity and attention-grabbing content – which leads to retention.

Thanks Giving From Our Family To Yours | Data Marketers GroupTo

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  • Zagg’s Thanksgiving email campaign is all about thanking their loyal customers.
  • The message displaying on email template is short and to the point which makes their email campaign strikingly concise and direct. 
  • Also, the colors and images used in the background are eye-popping and help get readers in the holiday spirit.

Share Some Useful Tips

The run up to Thanksgiving is a very busy time for people who are celebrating this big day. Use your business experience and share some useful tips to your customers out there. If your Thanksgiving email campaigns contain useful information, then your customers are much more likely to appreciate and remember your brand. Hence, try sharing recipe tips, travel advices, postage information, or even gift suggestions through your Thanksgiving email campaigns. In this way, you can strengthen your relationship with customers.

If you observe the following Thanksgiving email campaign presented by Uber, it includes holiday “how-tos” concept which shows readers how their Uber taxi services and Ubers Eats can help them over the holidays : 


Uber Bring The party To You | Data Marketers Group

Image Source: Mail Designer 365

Start a Giving Back Campaign

With a charitable campaign, show the compassionate side of your company this Thanksgiving. Giving something back, no matter how big or small, is a perfect way to display your gratitude for what your company has. There’s always a way that you can give back, whether you donate any of your earnings, fund local charities, or use your platform to raise awareness of a good cause. You will not only support those who are less privileged, you will also enhance your public profile and create your corporate social responsibility.

This Thanksgiving/Black Friday crossover campaign by Everlane is an especially powerful way to give back. Their generosity not only gains their brand more respect, it also encourages customers to spend more and increase the amount of profits that will be donated:

Today We Give Thanks | Data Marketers Group

Image Source: Mail Designer 365

Try Out Fun Thanks-Giving Themed Content

Share Your Thanksgiving message in a more unique and creative way using Fun Thanks-Giving Themed Content. For that, you can use GIFs, videos, web fonts, big graphics and vibrant color that can spice up your Thanksgiving email campaigns.

Not every email needs an animated gifs and images, but it is a good practice to combine these things for creating a special-themed message on Thanksgiving Day like what Nordstrom does here as shown in the below image.

Nordstorm Happy Thanks Giving | Data Marketers Group

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  • If you observe Nordstorm’s Thanksgiving email campaign, it was filled with turkey gifs and festive colors which are eye-popping and attracts customers to read more.
  • The message included in the campaign lets subscribers know the store will be closed for the holiday, while encouraging them to come out the next day to see their festive new decors.
  • Also, they included discount in their campaign to give their customers more motivation to come in and shop.

Tips for Creating Thanksgiving Emails

Ready to prepare the perfect Thanksgiving email that will take seconds for your subscribers to come back? To help make your Thanksgiving email campaign more successful, we’ve put together some tips below that work for you!

  • Make Sure the Theme is Stunning

Always remember that you’re sending out a Thanksgiving email campaign, not a normal message with a random turkey emojis. Hence, the entire message should be themed for Thanksgiving Day so that it doesn’t seem like an afterthought. However, that need some prior planning, hence figure out the type of message you want to send and build the campaign from there. Also, make sure to use fun related Thanksgiving theme, and use content, images that work for your brand and the holiday.

  • Dressing Up the Subject Line

Looking out to fetch a catchy subject lines for your Thanksgiving-themed emails? Here are some examples that entice your customers enough to open your email.

  • Open for a Deal You’ll Want to Gobble Up
  • Feast Your Eyes on These Holiday Deals
  • Happy Thanksgiving from “COMPANY NAME”
  • Dish Up: Take 40% Off!

However, the more you can personalize your subject line, the better you can grab attention of your customers. For example, if you have a home decor business and you’re planning to send Thanksgiving campaign, then you could use “15 Easy DIY Thanksgiving Decorations.”

  • When to Send

The perfect time to send out your Thanksgiving email campaign depends on the type of message. If your email is focusing on one-day Thanksgiving sale, or just saying “Happy Thanksgiving,” then you can send it early to the Thanksgiving Day. However, if it’s something that you want your customers to click on your email campaign before the holiday — like DIY decorations example — then you can send it several days before Thanksgiving Day.

Wrapping Up

Sending email campaigns for Thanksgiving Day are the ideal chance to communicate with your customers on a personal level. Hence, let them know that not only do you care about them, but also about the common good as well. Use this Thanksgiving Day as an opportunity to demonstrate how you give back to the community with charitable deals and hefty rewards for loyal clients. And also, provide your readers with holiday stress management tips and offer ways to make their lives a little easier with some curated content.

Also, make sure to use a stunning layout that appeals with your subscribers with a lot of white space and high-quality graphics. As we know already, understanding your readers is the secret to great email marketing. From there, you can find out how best you can support your customers during Thanksgiving weekend and the rest of the year.

Data-driven Marketing – Are You Taking Advantage of it

We all as marketers do understand that the gut instinct and the traditional approaches, will just not work for us as marketers no matter what. The stakes continue to be really very high and the consequences are too steep, for any one of us to do anything else other than our best efforts.

For all the savvy kind of marketers, this means leveraging the data back insights and metrics to maximize the success. And this is what they call as the data driven marketing, transforming the ways the marketers have been doing business and interacting with the consumer audiences. 

Collecting, aggregating and the mining of data provide marketers with a clear insight that are required to form various strategies and predictions for future campaign and behaviour. And in order to visualize a clear picture of marketing operations, the marketing teams to this must be able to view the past, present and the potential future database side by side in a single location.

The data will then be crunched and reviewed by the innovative solutions that can pinpoint the various trends and patterns. The marketing solutions like the artificial intelligence and marketing automations turns out to make the entire process really very ease. The process helps to analyse huge data sets with no manual kind of a work in it.

The marketers are free enough to come forward and use their precious time creating campaigns, content and strategy for future growth. Given here are the three awesome data driven marketing examples that everyone no matter what industry or organization size they are, should be aware of.

Making informed business decisions: When it comes down to the process of making informed business decisions, having a detailed insight in what is working and what is not is crucial enough to keep the marketing team move forward and successful. Without having an access to the data that is one of the most essential things the marketers are left with no clear direction.

Through the detail insights of the customer behaviour, engagement and the responses the marketers can actually turn out to make informed decisions and operational choices. By understanding who is at the individual and group level, and by having the insights of how these customers will turn out to predict to certain messages, and how the marketers can take it to the next level delivering an exceptional buying experience.

Creating Personalized Campaigns and Content: We all know that the consumers are aware of the tricks and tactics that the marketers have been using to engage them across various platforms and channels. This now means that the marketers will have to deliver things immediately with even more spot-on personalized content, in order to deliver true and value-based relationship.

The detailed data and insights mined from marketing technology and platforms help them in creating a singular and holistic picture of the consumer audiences. A data driven marketing strategy will help you in uncovering the various connections that will help the marketers develop a plan in order to maximize their consumer engagement and conversation.

Meeting Customers in real time no matter where they are: Today’s consumers are constantly connected. And the rise of smartphones has turn out to bring the entire world with options, opinions and noise to the palm of the consumers hand. The marketers can break through the noise using personalized kind of content but how do they actually understand and know where to start connecting with the consumers and how. The Machine Learning and the AI Marketing solutions can turn out to scan huge sets without the incredible amounts of time and resources that would do the same work manually by the humans.

These consumers can also identify where the consumers have been spending most of their time and are like to convert things into sale. The work flow continues with an automated content or messages that are triggered on the basis of consumer profiles and data backed analytics.

For all the e-commerce marketers at the organizations with different sizes data driving is essential for succeeding and thriving constantly in a changing environment. Understanding the data and the numbers at the heart of the various marketing strategies and decision making can actually help in giving better experiences and personalized engagement.

How Does Segmentation Help in Improving the Process of Email Marketing?

Frustration as we all know does lead us with some or the other kind of change. Studies have shown that spam emails turned out to constitute more than 93% of the total global email volume. In short, the average user’sworld-widewas not even able to find out even one single legitimate email for every ten that was in their inbox. Now this is something that is really very frustrating. But since the year 2017, the global rate for this turned out to consistently drop down. And the average as of 2015 was down by 39%.

The segmentation of the emails can be attributed to the users demand for better filtering. The email service providers have turned out to battle with spammers using better filters. In fact, most of the organizations even today have joined together to develop strict sending policies by making use of the initiatives like the DMARC.

Most organizations have also joined the fight of email segmentation by passing some laws that ban blatant spam like the CANSPAM and CASL in USA and Canada. Here are some of the steps that you need to consider: The email marketers have reported that they have found an increase of 7000 percent when used segmentation. This is one of the major reasonswhy you should begin using it. Given here are a few examples of email campaigns who used email segmentation improving engagement and the ROI.Let’s have a look at them below.

Segmentation of testing: When you use and track out your email segmentation, you will then gain a clear insight on the whole sales and the marketing spectrum. One of the best ways you can improve your segmentation approach is the A/B testing or split testing. A/B testing is one of the ways of measuring the effectiveness of your email campaigns, by running two parallel different campaignsto viewers with similar graphics. You can then measure the conversion as well. Once done you can then use results to understand how the design, copy time of the day and the other elements can perform.

Psychographic Segmentation: The Psychographic Segmentation is actually a bit different from the demographic segmentation, as this is something that answers the question why more than the question who. Say for example you might not be able to discern the reason for the interest in AC maintenancefrom the gender point of view, but the reason that why people are looking for the AC maintenance because they are forward thinking, careful budgeting and the ones who wish to avoid the short-term emergency repair. And when you understand why they need help it will then be really very easy for you to target them with an email copy.

Demographics Segmentation: Demographics are the facts that will help you identify the gender, age, occupation etc. Certain demographics turn out to respond really very well when compared to the others. Say for example you are running an air conditioning machine that turns out to target industrial properties, and you will know the business owners between the ages of 35 – 50. So, you might here wish to segment your email campaigns for that demographic and then including some relevant content.

Segmenting by the pain point: As a business owner its only you who can understand better the pain points that draws your customer toward their business.After all the sales conversation is something that should be evolving around how your products and services can solve their problems. Let me tell you not every customer will have the same paint point. And if you know which is the one, they have identified you can then easily target them through your email content.

So if you have not been segmenting your lists in any manner, then there is no shame. After all there are many businesses who even today fail to segment, and they are missing out one of the most powerful strategy for their business. So if you wish to see your business campaign get more number of leads and drive in more number of ROI then this is the right time for you to make a change.